CV Properties and Cannon Hill Capital Partners logo
Boynton Gateway Concept renderBoynton Gateway Concept render

Boynton Gateway

A vibrant new life science development creating exciting commercial space for innovative tenants and adding publicly accessible open space.

Project location

Somerville, MA

Project phase

Community review

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The Project Team is transforming the existing industrial and auto-focused uses at the corner of Columbia Street and Webster Avenue in Union Square into a vibrant new life science development. The proposed Boynton Gateway project will create exciting commercial space for innovative tenants, add publicly accessible open space, and improve the public realm.

The site is currently occupied by auto mechanic garages and parking facilities.

image of creative office

Arts & Creative Office

The Project will provide approximately 15,675 SF of Arts & Creative Office space.

image of people laying down on a grass open space

Open Space

The Project will create 2,500 SF of new publicly accessible green space in addition to a large Civic Space payment.

street mural

Public Art

The Team will have opportunities to partner with local artists to incorporate public art at the Project.

What's There Now

The site is currently vacant. The previous auto mechanic garages and parking facilities have been demolished to make way for the exciting development to come.

What's Happening Next

The project team is wrapping up the entitlements process following extensive community engagement and coordination with city departments. Ground breaking will take place in early spring. Please check the Timeline for upcoming events. We invite you to Subscribe for email updates and add your feedback or ask questions in our Feedback section.

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